C Program For Stop And Wait Protocol
2/6/2019by admin
Using #40 I can change this, but to what? Lenovo thinkpad hardware maintenance diskette.
- Simplex Stop And Wait Protocol
- Simple C Program To Implement Stop And Wait Protocol
- C Program For Stop And Wait Protocol
An array is a contiguous block of memory containing one or more elements of the same type and size. Each element in the array is accessed as a zero-based offset from the start of the array or by using the index []. Examples: int a[10]; // allocates memory for 10 integers (e.g., 40 bytes for a 4 byte int). Int x = a[5]; // accesses the 6th element (a[0] is the first element).
Int *p = a; // point to start of the array. P += 5; // advance pointer 5 * sizeof( int ) addresses.
Simplex Stop And Wait Protocol
*p = 10; // access the 6th element and assign the value 10. Int d * = new int[*p]; // dynamically allocate an array of 10 elements. Delete [] d; // release dynamic array.
Simple C Program To Implement Stop And Wait Protocol
C Program For Stop And Wait Protocol
Implement the simplex protocol for a noisy channel (Fig. 3-12 from Tannenbaum).